Acceptance is the key to Happiness — Happiness In 2021
4 min readJun 12, 2021


Everyone wants to be happy. Nevertheless, uncovering the key to Felicity can be one of life’s most ambitious and artful tasks.


I’ve got nothing to worry about.

All my basic needs are met.

Happiness is when I’m in a worry-free state,

Happiness means the inner state of well being or a pleasurable or satisfying experience of wisdom, intelligence, common sense, emotions, health, and spiritual values in your life. What makes you, and only you, determine you.

Self-Acceptance Helps Face Challenges

Pain is a physical or emotional sensation that we feel immediately whenever an undesirable event happens to suffer. Suffering accompanies the pain, the thoughts in our minds. Is this going to last forever?

We all experience hard times, but those hard times are manageable, challenging, and difficult, yes, but manageable. We can’t handle any event or situation as long as we know how to manage the Situation/Event through acceptance with a Positive Mind & Attitude. Acceptance enables you to understand and be honest about your strengths and weaknesses. By accepting yourself, you open the door to self-care & analysis and developed a much more positive attitude. This will create the opportunity to develop and improve yourself and your life.

When problems come along, as they surely will, you need to be honest with yourself to overcome them. It is never a good idea to pretend to the world, and even worse, to hide the truth from yourself.

Accepting yourself that you cannot change, such as your personality and character, is extremely important as a starting point in self-improvement.

One other good thing about accepting who you are is that it can give you a stronger and more accurate sense of your self-image. In other words, when you look at yourself, you will see more of the real you, and less will be hidden.

Not Accepting Creates Inner Conflict

The importance of self-acceptance is such that if you don’t practice it, you may have some of the following problems:

Low self-esteem — denying who you are or being blind to what you want means you may suffer from low .self-esteem

Living a lie — if you do not accept yourself and pretend to be what you are not, the result is a false life. If you feel you are living a life that is not you, perhaps you have this problem. It needs solving!

Unhappiness — as a result of the above, low self-esteem and living a lie will prevent you from enjoying life, as you are ignoring your inner voice, your values, and the desires of your heart.

Becoming a victim — if you do not accept yourself, you may believe others’ criticism and become a victim of their negativity.

Lacking self-belief — low self-confidence can result from being unsure of who you are and what you want. This can also be made worse by your feelings of being a victim.

warning: Sometimes, we want to forget about what has happened to us or what we have done. This is fine in principle, but we must acknowledge the truth because events, no matter how awful, have made us what we are today. Never block out the truth or deny it; it’s best to be honest, especially with yourself. If you struggle with something, your pastor cannot cope with — seek help, do not suffer alone.

Acceptance means that you understand who you truly are and where your strengths and weaknesses lie. You know what you want. This will allow you to be comfortable with your place in the world and be honest with yourself. Acceptance is one of the important factors that contribute to Happiness in life.

This is very important for several reasons. The first is that you can be more confident about that person if you know who you are. You can also be more authentic rather than trying to be something else. This should make you feel comfortable in your skin and less stressed.

Secondly, if you accept yourself, you can decide more honest about what you can do to use your strengths to their best effect. Which career would best suit you? What lifestyle do you long for? With acceptance, you can respect your answers rather than trying to be what others expect of you. With acceptance comes choice, and you can make it honestly.

The importance of acceptance can also be seen because it reduces pressure and stress, which you might be giving yourself. Perfectionism is often a problem that honest acceptance can moderate.

Accepting yourself will allow you to stop fighting in your mind. You can end conflict inside you by simply being honest about who you are. The importance of acceptance is because it is connected with positive mental health and, in particular, a reduction in depression, anxiety, and increased Happiness. They also found that acceptance increased self-esteem. The reason for this is that those who accept themselves are less likely to be self-critical.

Which steps can take to increase your Acceptance?

How do you go about accepting yourself? Here are some steps you can take:

  • Take time to think about who you are — your personality, background, what makes you tick.
  • Understand that there are both positive and negative aspects of who you are, and you should accept these if you cannot change them. Denying the truth serves no one.
  • Are there things about yourself which you don’t like? OK, maybe you can improve but first acknowledge them and accept them.
  • Are you pretending to be something you’re not? Why are you doing this? Wouldn’t it be better, to be honest with yourself?



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